Limited copies of the Time CD are available of the Chance MUSIC Shop.

Tap cover for iTunes

Fight is written about Superheroes, performed by Laura Vance and produced by co-writer Tyler Madden.

The the best way to assess how good Fight really is, and the performances, is to listen.

Here is a series of comment snippets from music blog critic’s who did listen, who loved it too.

“loved the rich and deep vocals on Fight” … “Lana Del Rey ambiance to the arrangement” … “enjoyed the vocal performance on Fight, it had a real sense of humanity and emotion to it” … “vocal has a great sound and powerful tone” … “Good stuff all around” … “Alluring and sentimental, the vocal is quite engaging” … “really enjoyed the delicate vocal timbre and the unique style” … “Well constructed and heartfelt song” … “really cool, great instrumentation on this”.

Limited copies of the Time CD are available of the Chance MUSIC Shop.

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