The debut single from Leon Lacroix is Flashing Lights. Leon first sent this song as a rough mix demo. We were really taken by it.
His electropop style combined with the distinctive South American accent he has, was captivating. Leon recorded it as a single for Chance MUSIC.
At the time Leon was finishing his school years in Chile. After some to and fro we discovered he had a lot more songs. The songs turned into an album that was completed and released. It was titled Next Level Dreams and mastered by legendary mastering engineer Leon Zervos.
The album cover is an original artwork from Leon’s uncle, José Garcia Chibbaro a well known French artist. It was his way of congratulating his nephew on creating the album.
Leon Lacroix was born in Uruguay
Leon Lacroix was born in Montevideo Uruguay, moving to Chile as a child. He also spent a year in Santa Monica, California with his parents at age 14. It was during that time Leon says, he decided he wanted to be a musician.
Leon delivers a fun brand of electropop, and has also added much depth in the lyrics. He music shatters preconceptions about what South American pop sounds like.
At the same time, there is something irresistible that sucks you into the beat, as if some secret and addictive rhythmic fabric, too hard to resist.
Leon started with Flashing Lights. It still is one of those songs you can listen to again and again. This single and his album are fine examples of what good electropop should sound like.